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나의 영어 회화 실력?이 향상된 계기를 기억해보면..
1. 영어 표현을 매일 3가지씩 암기 (중학교때부터.. 20대까지였던 것.. 같다 이후.. ㅠ.ㅠ)
2. 영문법을 알고 난 후
3. 영어식 표현이 따로 있다는 것을 인지한 후 (왜 미드가 안들리고 리스닝이 전혀 안되는지.. 분명 토익 시험을 보든, 수능을 봤을 때 리스닝 점수가 꽤 괜찮았는데.. 왜 미드가 전혀 안들리는지...!!에 대한 고민을 많이 한 끝에 알게 됐다. 단순히 한국어를 영어로 바꾸는 것으로는 대화는 가능하지만 유창한 영어를 할 수 없다는 것을..)
그렇게 해서 최근 원어민 생활 표현을 공부하기 시작하면서 그 차이를 더욱 느끼고 있다. 이후 번역을 할 때 더욱 불안해졌다. 과연.. 이 표현이 정말 실제 사용하는 표현인지... 두려움을 극복하기 위해서는 실제 사용하는 표현들을 찾아보는 수 밖엔!
1. 팝콘용 옥수수를 팬에 적당량 넣어주세요.
Put the popcorn kernels on the pan
2. 갈릭올라브오일을 팬에 둘러주세요.
Touch of Garlic OLAVE oil in all that around.
3. 설탕을 기호에맞게 넣어주세요.
Add sugar in order to fit your taste
4. 소금은 약간만 넣어주세요.
Season it with a pinch of salt.
5. 중간불에 튀지 않게 뚜껑으로 팬을 덮어주세요.
Toast it at the medium-low heat and cover it with the lid in order that the popcorn cannot come out of the pan.
6. 팝콘이 타지않고 양념이 베도록 자주 흔들어줍니다.
Give the pan a little shimmy over and over to distribute the popcorn evenly without burning them.
7. 팝콘이 거의 다 만들어지면 약불로 바꿔 줍니다.
Then leave it to simmer until popcorn is almost done
8. 적당한 용기에 담아 줍니다 Now it’s time to put them on the bowl.
Little-known fact: I am a stovetop popcorn connoisseur. I’ve been making popcorn on the stove since my parents taught me in elementary school. Stovetop popcorn is infinitely better than microwave popcorn or air-popped popcorn. If you haven’t made it yet, you’ve been missing out!
I’m on a mission to make sure everyone knows how to make popcorn from scratch. Today, I’m sharing all of my popcorn-making tips so you can make perfect stovetop popcorn at home, too. All you need are popcorn kernels, a good pot with a lid, oil and salt. You can do it!
Of all the salty, crunchy, savory snacks out there, stovetop popcorn is one of the tastiest and cheapest snacks. I love that I can make it in under 10 minutes if I’m craving a snack, and easily adjust the amounts to yield a single serving or popcorn for a party.
The 10-minute buffer period is actually great, since it means I can’t reach into the pantry and mindlessly snack on popcorn. That’s why I don’t keep tortilla chips on hand—I eat them too fast.
How to Make Stovetop Popcorn
1. Use a good, heavy-bottomed pot. Cheap pots don’t distribute heat evenly, and you can end up with hot spots that burn the popcorn.
2. Don’t crank the heat up too high. It’s too easy to burn oil at temperature higher than medium heat, and if you catch even a whiff of smoke coming from the pot, your popcorn is going to taste burnt.
3. Start with two popcorn kernels to gauge the temperature. Once those pop, your oil is hot enough. Add the remaining kernels and remove the pot from the heat for 1 minute. This primes the popcorn to pop without burning the oil.
4. Tip the lid ever-so-slightly while the popcorn is popping. That way, the popcorn doesn’t steam itself in the pot and lose crispness. (See photo above.)
5. If the popcorn starts overflowing the pot: Simply remove the lid and tip the excess popcorn into a bowl. Return the lid and return the popcorn to the heat until popping slows.
6. Season with salt carefully. You can always add more, but you can’t take away too much.
1) In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat, combine the oil and 2 popcorn kernels. Cover the pot and wait for the kernels to pop, which might take a few minutes. In the meantime, place a large serving bowl near the stove so it’s ready when you need it.
2) Once the kernels pop, turn off the burner, remove the pot from the heat and pour in the remaining popcorn kernels. Cover the pot again, and give the pot a little shimmy to distribute the kernels evenly. Let the pot rest for 60 seconds to make sure the oil doesn’t get too hot before the kernels are ready to pop.
3) Turn the heat back up to medium, put the pot back onto the burner and continue cooking the popcorn, carefully shimmying the pot occasionally to cook the kernels evenly. Once the kernels start popping, tip the lid just a touch to allow steam to escape (see photo).
4) Continue cooking until the popping sound slows to about one pop per every few seconds. (If the popcorn tries to overflow the pot, just tip the upper portion of popcorn into your bowl and return it to the heat.)
5) Remove the lid and dump the popcorn into your serving bowl. Sprinkle the popcorn with a couple pinches of salt, to taste, and any other topping you would like. Toss the popcorn and serve immediately, for best flavor and texture. The popcorn will taste good for several hours, though.
위의 영문 출처:
How to Make Perfect Popcorn on the Stovetop
How to make a perfect batch of popcorn, with no burnt kernels! Easy stove-top popcorn recipe.
위의 출처를 통해 번역한 표현입니다.
100% 국내파 영어여서, 오류가 있으면 친절한 댓글 부탁드려요~~
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