S5 ep. 826
I carry a eucalyptus oil inhaler with me.
저는 유칼립투스 오일 흡입기를 가지고 다녀요.
When I had to think about what unique item I carry with me every day,
I realized that I actually don't carry much with me on a daily basis at all.
Most of the days I go to work, and the only things
I have in my work bag are laptop, gloves, headphones, phone … that's it.
I also carry a lunch bag with me because I eat all of my meals at work.
It just so happens because I do intermittent fasting, where I eat from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
and I'm usually at work during those hours. But if I had to think about one thing
that I do carry with me that is unique, it would be a eucalyptus oil inhaler thing that looks like this.
I live in London and I take the metro to work, which is the most germ-infected area in the world.
So in order to protect myself from any possible floating, airborne viruses,
I just breathe this on my way to and from work to protect myself.
And it's been working so far. I haven't been ill at all this winter.
Speaking Summary-Margarita / 영국::::::::::::::::::
The one unique item that I carry with me every day is a eucalyptus oil inhaler that helps me protect myself from any airborne or air-transmitted viruses and illnesses on my way to and from work.
제가 매일 가지고 다니는 유일하게 독특한 물건은 유칼립투스 오일 흡입기인데, 출퇴근길에 공기를 통해 전염되는 바이러스나 질병으로부터 저를 보호해 주는 거예요.
Vocabulary Check::::::::::::::::::::
intermittent 간헐적인
inhaler 흡입기
germ 세균
infect 감염시키다, 오염시키다
English On The Go:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
When I had to think about what unique item I carry with me every day,
제가 어떤 독특한 물건을 매일 가지고 다니는지 생각해야 했을 때,
I realized that I actually don't carry much with me on a daily basis at all.
저는 매일 가지고 다니는 물건이 전혀 많지 않다는 걸 깨달았어요.
Most of the days I go to work, and the only things I have in my work bag are laptop, gloves, headphones, phone … that's it.
저는 일주일의 대부분, 출근을 하는데, 제가 가방에 가지고 다니는 물건들은 노트북 컴퓨터, 장갑, 헤드폰, 휴대전화... 그게 다예요.
I also carry a lunch bag with me because I eat all of my meals at work.
저는 도시락 가방도 가지고 다니는데, 회사에서 모든 식사를 하기 때문이에요.
It just so happens because I do intermittent fasting, where I eat from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
그건 우연히 제가 간헐적 단식을 하기 때문인데, 8시부터 4시 사이에만 식사를 하는 거예요.
intermittent 간헐적인
and I'm usually at work during those hours.
그리고 저는 보통 그 시간대에 회사에 출근해 있어요.
But if I had to think about one thing that I do carry with me that is unique,
그런데 제가 가지고 다니는 물건 중에 독특한 것을 하나 고른다면
it would be a eucalyptus oil inhaler thing that looks like this.
그건 이렇게 생긴 유칼립투스 오일 흡입기일 거예요.
inhaler 흡입기
I live in London and I take the metro to work, which is the most germ-infected area in the world.
저는 런던에 살고 지하철을 타고 출근하는데, 그곳은 세계에서 세균 오염이 가장 심한 곳이에요.
germ 세균
infect 감염시키다, 오염시키다
So in order to protect myself from any possible floating, airborne viruses,
그래서 공기 중에 떠다닐 수도 있는 바이러스로부터 제 자신을 지키기 위해서
I just breathe this on my way to and from work to protect myself.
저는 저 스스로를 지키기 위해서 출퇴근길에 이걸 들이마셔요.
And it's been working so far. I haven't been ill at all this winter.
그리고 지금까지는 효과가 있어요. 이번 겨울에 한 번도 안 아팠어요.
Pattern Practice:::::::::::::::::::::
any possible ~
혹시라도 있을 수 있는, 가능한 그 어떤 ~라도
1. Find any possible way to succeed.
성공할 수 있는 어떤 가능한 방법이든지 찾으세요.
2. I don't think there's any possible risk.
어떠한 위험 요소도 있을 수 없다고 생각해요.
to and from ~
~에 다니는 길에, ~에 갈 때와 올 때
1. I drive to and from the gym.
저는 체육관까지 차로 다녀요.
2. Getting to and from the airport is hard.
공항에 가는 길과 공항에서 오는 길이 힘들어요.
알쏭달쏭 한마디:::::::::::::::::::::
지금 떠오르는 건 하나도 없어요.
I can’t think of anything now.
In The Social World:::::::::::::::::
Taribo (남)
The flu season is almost over. I will still carry my oil inhaler, though.
Dorinda (여)
It sounds silly, but I carry an oil inhaler stick. It's harmless, redirects your attention, and clears your sinuses.
--------------------------------S5 ep. 826
Today Expression I would like to memorize
1) I do intermittent fasting
2) in the most germ-infected area in the world
3) in order to protect myself from any possible floating, airborne viruses
4) I haven't been ill at all this winter
출처: home.ebse.co.kr/englishlife/replay/3/list?courseId=ER2017H0ENG01ZZ&stepId=ET2017H0ENG0101
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