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EBS 영어회화 EP. 829 I learned time management at a young age. - 영어공부 혼자하기! #생활영어 S5 ep. 829 I learned time management at a young age. 저는 어렸을 때 시간 관리법을 배웠어요. One thing I'm very grateful for is how my parents got me involved in loads of different activities as a child. As I was going to school, I was also juggling various extracurricular activities, such as dancing, singing, taking instrument lessons, being involved in, with church, and so on. And I never felt stressed o.. 더보기
EBS 영어회화 EP. 830 I wish I were better at time management. - 영어공부 혼자하기! 워킹맘으로서 매일 꾸준히... 혼자서 영어 공부하는 것이 쉽지 않다. 하지만 매일 온라인에 공부한 내용을 업로딩하는 것만으로도 스스로에게 자극이 되고, 무엇보다 숙제 검사를 맡는 기분이다. 꾸준히... 힘들지만 나 자신과의 약속을 지키고 싶다. 한국에서도 어학연수를 갔다 온 효과를 얻고 싶다! 화이팅!!! S5 ep. 830 I wish I were better at time management. 시간 관리를 더 잘했으면 좋겠어요. My time management skills are inferior to other skills that I possess. I've been trying to find time to get out there and surf. I've been in Florida almos.. 더보기
EBS 영어회화 ep735. I prefer texting - 영어공부 혼자하기! #생활영어 S5 ep. 735 I prefer texting. 저는 문자 메시지를 선호해요. Aside from my closest friends and family members, whenever I get phone calls, I assume that something bad has happened or it's an emergency. But oftentimes it's simply a friend who wants to catch up. And I've always found this very strange because I'm the type of person to prefer texting over phone calls. I will probably send a text to ask simp.. 더보기
EBS 영어회화 I don't make my schedule too tight. #생활영어 S5 ep. 832 - 최종회 I don't make my schedule too tight. 저는 일정을 너무 빡빡하게 잡지 않아요. I could never get how some people have their schedules planned down to the minute. Hats off to anyone who does that. My mom's a real estate agent, and if I look at her schedule book, I'll see 8:35 a.m. appointment, then 9:55 conference call, 11:30 lunch, day after day. I don't think I could handle the pressure from.. 더보기