English Story 썸네일형 리스트형 우선순위 기초영단어 어휘 테스트 " 우선순위 기초영단어" 어휘만 모은 자료입니다. 테스트용입니다. 많은 도움이 되시길 바래요~~ ^---^ 더보기 신촌 영어 시사토론 스터디 충원합니다^^ 제가 올해 초부터 계속해서 진행해오던 시사토론 스터디에서 인원 충원을 합니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 장소: 신촌 시간: 매주 일요일 10:30 ~ 13:00 커리: warm-up(일상대화) --> 각자 준비해온 기사 토론 정규멤버 5분 되시구요.. 다들 다양한 분야에 종사하시는 직장인들로(20대 후반~30대 초반).. 영어회화 공부뿐만 아니라 각 분야의 다양한 지식을 공유하는 기회도 갖을 수 있으실 거에요~~ 직장인, 학생등 시간대 가능하신 분 연락주세요~~ 좋은 인연이 되었음 하네요~~ noviceamy@yahoo.co.kr [출처] [신촌] 시사토론 스터디 충원합니다(회화) |작성자 Amy [해커스영어] 영어,토익,텝스 전문 포탈- 무료동영상강의/시험후기/무료영어컨텐츠 더보기 DEATH of Actress Jang Jin-young Can you believe this?? Jang Jin-young died of stomach cancer on last Tuesday. How pretty she is and how young she is.. I had heard that she had suffered from disease last year but I have never imagine she's gonna die. Oh deer... The sad story is that she has a husband.. I mean she had secrete wedding before death. That story makes me even sadder. Have you thought about death?? She is too young t.. 더보기 A/H1N1 Flu Nowadays H1N1 Flu is one of the HOT ISSUE all over the world. We can see quite a lot of people who die because of that flu. Here is 3 people that passed away due to the infection. I've heard that H1N1 Flu begins just like a simple flu we know. Just a cough, fever, a runny nose and so on. But it cause drastic change on some persons who lack immune system such as the pregnant, the old and babies. .. 더보기 Actress Lee Young-ae Marries in US I have really surprised at this news aboout Lee Young-ae Marriage. I had wondered why she had not tried to get married as she is 38-year-old. She is beautiful enough and I think her personality would be nice. She looks just like a kind woman. I had thought which man is going to be her husband. Oh.. my... Now we got it. Jung is 55 years old and a graduate of the Illinois Institute of Technology, .. 더보기 2009학년도 수능 영어 듣기평가 어휘 2009학년도 수능 영어 듣기평가에서 나온 어휘 정리하였습니다. 좋은 자료가 되었음 하네요~~ 더보기 Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, 2009 I had a chance to see the Harry Potter series last Saturday. Honestly I was able to see the first one not in Korea but in Grees of course in English. As u guys know, their accent is a little different compare to American one. That sounded me unfamiliar at that moment as I was very early of twenties.. oh dear.. ten years ago. Anyhow.. I just saw the secene at that time. I've read the book only fi.. 더보기 My job I had worked for dental field as an interpreter, translator and sales person overseas. The company let me have a bunch of experience not only for just work but for expanding my view as the first company I joined. Whenever I look at this picture, I can recollect just that moment how I felt.. how I work.... something like these.. At that time, I was really exhausted due to a lot of stuff I had to .. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 8 9 10 11 12 13 다음