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English Story

EBS 입트영 낭독 a wide range of / fire up / look up a word / get ready for school / check the ETA / an endless stream of / clean out one's closet

Describe how you use various mobile applications.



1. 다양한

2. (전자 기기 등을) 켜다

3. 단어를 찾아보다

4. 등교 준비를 하다

5. 도착 예상 시간을 확인하다

6. 끊임없이 쏟아지는

7. 옷장 정리를 하다




1. I use a wide range of mobile apps on a daily basis.

2. We fire up the EBS radio Bandi app to study English. 

3. We use a dictionary app to look up words we don't know.

4. I help my child get ready for school.

5. My husband uses an app to check the ETA for the bus and leaves the house at jst the right time.

6. There is an endless stream of apps being released other than these.

7. I clean out my closet.




Thank you so much for our hard that we can handle and ending up getting the result!